2 Dogs & A Cat

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Sad Day

I came home to some bad news last night. My hubby informed me that my bata (who is 3 years old) had an accident. Halo Kitty knocked the bata's bowl on the floor. Lloyd found the bata laying on the floor not moving. He picked up the fish to give him his final fairwell, but the fish started jumping around in his hands! Lloyd put the fish in some water to see if he would recover from this fatal accident. We watched that fish all night, he didn't move. We would tap the bowl - no movement. The only time he moved was when we poked him - and even then, he moved very slowly. When bed time came, the bata bit the big one. Yep, he's now swimming in God's fish bowl. Lloyd had to flush him for me - I was too upset. That fish was the first pet that Lloyd and I had. He lived 3 years and outlived any other fish we had (that is probably because the bata killed any other fish we got). I don't know why Halo Kitty knocked the bowl in the floor. She has never bothered the fish. But I guess that the temptation of her getting her first fish was to much for her. Funny thing is, Halo Kitty had nothing to do with the fish once it was out of the bowl. Rest well, little fish - we'll miss you.


  • Hey 'lissa! Thanks for all the cool comments on my blog. But you need to update yours more! This could be a good way for us to keep in touch since we are both such busy wives. I love you!


    By Blogger Carrie, At 4:56 PM  

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