2 Dogs & A Cat

Monday, December 04, 2006

Is 6 Enough?

In my last post, I told you about a wreck I was in on Friday night. This makes a total of 6 car wrecks I have been in. Here is a quick run down for you.

  1. I hit the back of a van at a red light (my fault - got a ticket)
  2. I ran though a fence and almost hit a tree (no ticket was issued here)
  3. I ran into a van (my fault - recieved a broken wrist and a ticket. I also took out a phone booth!)
  4. I got hit by a drunk driver (not my fault)
  5. I hit another car head on pulling into my driveway (my fault - spent a few days in the hospital and recieved a ticket)
  6. I got hit when another car ran a stop sign. (not my fault)

So, after all of that you would think I'd be a pro at auto accidents. Well, I pretty much am. I also hit a deer - but not counting that as a car accident. The deer caused that bump, not me or another driver. Some advise from me about car wrecks: The best way to prevent injury during a car wreck is to go total limp upon impact. This allows your body to flow with the wreck and not jerk around so much. Or you could just stay at home.


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